The Culture, Recreation and Sports Secretariat, the District Institute of the Arts – Idartes, its Audiovisual Arts Management and the Bogota Film Commission,, in agreement with the representatives of the audiovisual sector, have designed and developed a strategy that allows the gradual, sequential and safe reactivation of audiovisual productions in Bogota.
With the publication of the Resolution 957 of 2020 issued by the National Government and according to the District Decree 164 of 2020 of the Mayor’s Office of Bogota, the reactivation of the activity with code CIIU 5911 – Activities of cinematographic movie production, videos, programs, announcements and television advertisement, is permitted.
In this section you can find the relevant documentation to consider in the reactivation of the audiovisual productions in Bogota, in the framework of the contingency caused by the health emergency derived from COVID-19.
Bogota has a regulatory framework that has supported and allowed the audiovisual production in the city. This information is important for the sector given that it is related to the district organization, the creation of the Bogota Film Commission, and its objectives, the regulation of the Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming – PUFA, among other tools relevant to our work in the industry.
It creates the Filmic Fund Colombia, contains the requirements, amounts and characteristics of the projects that can apply for its benefits.
It contains the information of the managers of public spaces in the city according to its characteristics, the promoters of economic exploitation according to the activities that are allowed in the public space and determines that the management of such activities is done through the SUMA platform.
Regulates the Bogota Film Commission and the Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming – PUFA, creates new tools useful for the audiovisual sector such as the urgent permit, the contingency, the unified collection and the long-term contract.
It contains the ABC of the requesting process and verification of the Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming – PUFA, the explanation and analysis of the formula for the economic exploitation of public space used to value the PUFA, and more important and relevant information for any professional related to the permit.
Access the full normative framework here