The Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming (PUFA for its Spanish initials) is the permit needed to film on public spaces in Bogota. This is the only mechanism that allows the producer or applicant the making of audiovisual productions on public spaces.
It is issued through the Bogota Film Comission, a program from the District Institute of the Arts – Idartes- and is completed using the SUMA online platform in the filming module.
- Request a unique permit for the use of public spaces in Bogota.
- It links district entities, bringing support from the city.
- Time optimization for the producers in the logistics and issuing of the permit.
- Having fixed timelines for the approval of the permit according to the filming characteristics.
- Standardized fees according to the formula of economic exploitation of public spaces.
The ordinary permit has a timeline of 5 working days and has the following characteristics:
- Does not set a limit on the crew.
- Applies for road closures, cycle roads and ciclovia closures.
- Different types of road closures can be requested such as: total permanent, total intermittent, partial permanent, partial intermittent.
- Does not fix a limit of sqm between base camp and filming set.
- All elements from the public space can be requested.
The producer has the option to register in the request of the ordinary permit a contingency date, that should consider the following conditions:
- The contingency dates must be programmed in the next 7 working days to the registered shooting date.
- The contingency dates cannot be reprogrammed and will be subject to the availability of the requested public space.
The urgent permit has a timeline of 3 working days and has the following characteristics:
- Limit of 90 people on the crew.
- Does not apply for road closures, cycle roads and ciclovia closures.
- Different types of road closures can be requested: partial permanent and partial intermittent.
- Applies for 2 continuous days on the location.
- An area up to 400 sqm between base camp and filming set can be requested.
- The elements of public space that can be requested are:
- Local road network
- Sidewalk network
- Pedestrian roads and paths
- Parks system
- Special venues IDRD
- Walkways and squares
- Footbridges
- Low areas of foot and vehicular bridges.
* Please note that the urgent permit has an additional cost of 25%.

If you selected "malla vial y/o red de andenes, vías y pasos peatonales" in tab 1 "Datos de la filmación", the "PMT" tab will be activated, which you must fill out in accordance with the provisions of PMT - Transit Management Plan, by the Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad.

If you selected "Espacio Público Natural" in tab 1 "Datos de la filmación", The "PMA" tab will be activated, which must be completed according to the guidelines established by the Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente.
SUMA is the Unique Platform for the managing and use of public spaces in the city. All permits for any activity for the economic exploitation of public spaces in the city are processed through this platform. The PUFA must be processed only through the SUMA, specifically in the Filming Module.
In the new user tab, select if your registration will be as a ‘persona natural’ (for individuals) or a ‘persona jurídica’ (for organizations).
Create your username and password.
Register your data and attach the following documents in .pdf:
- Certificate of natural person or legal representative of legal person.
- Single Tax Registry - RUT.
- Tax information registry - RIT.
- Chamber of Commerce only for legal entities
Enter the platform here
We invite you to read the frequently asked questions related to PUFA and solve your doubts.
To get advice about the PUFA you can get in touch with the management team of the Bogota Film Commission; by phone 379 5750 ext. 3409 – 3410, writing an email to:
or face-to-face in the offices of Idartes: Carrera. 8 No. 15 – 46, Ground floor, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
The Transit Management Plan – PMT – is a document that includes the map of the filming zone that is generated to manage and minimize the impact caused by an event (including filming) on public spaces. Is based on the Technical Concept 19 of the District Secretariat of Mobility, it contains the strategies, alternatives and activities necessary for the mobilization of the road users (pedestrians, vehicles, cyclists and the community in general) always aiming for their security.
To carry out the contractual process of the PUFA, two types of insurance are required, which are not part of the total cost of the permit: Compliance and Tort Liability. Remember that the contract execution of the PUFA is only feasible once both insurances have been approved by the Office of Legal Advice of Idartes.
If the nature and objective of the event is not audiovisual filming, PUFA is not requested. These types of events are excepted in the Article 3, Numeral 4 of the Decree 794 of 2018 “Public spectacles or cultural events that require or not the filming or audiovisual development based in said spectacle” Remember that if your event will generate people agglomerations, caused by open, general and undifferentiated announcement with individual or collective invitation, you must apply for the SUGA.
The PUFA does not include the use of the image of facades and monuments in the city. This permit needs to be requested by the producer to the private managers or to the District Institute of Cultural Heritage – IDPC – for the district monuments.
You can approach the shooting and request the production team for the PUFA. The production team must have the printed permit and visible on the trucks and elements located on the public space. Remember that the PUFA is a document that does not include any signatures or stamps. To verify the authenticity of the PUFA, you can access to the Permit Calendar where you can find the updated information about the shootings using PUFA, or you can get in contact with the Bogota Film Commission to 379 5750 ext. 3409 – 3410. If you have additional questions, get in contact with the Bogota Film Commission:
The PUFA cost is calculated using the formula of economic exploitation of public spaces for filming activities. This formula specifies fixed values for the maintenance of public spaces and variable values that depend on the shooting characteristics: crew size, days of anticipation of permit request, if the requested space will be base camp or filming set, type of road closures needed or type of permit and organization.
If you want to calculate the estimated cost of your PUFA go to the PUFA section in our website.
If you want more information about the design and application of the formula of economic exploitation of public spaces for filming activities, go to the technical annex of the protocol of economic exploitation of public spaces for filming activities in this link
The District Secretariat of Mobility offers advice sessions on the creation of the PMT for audiovisual filming in its administrative headquarters located at Carrera 28 A No. 17 A -20 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 10:00 am or calling +601 364 9400 ext. 7211. For more information you can go to www.movilidadbogota.gov.co.
Additionally, the Bogota Film Commission has an informative handbook for the creation of the 'PMT: PMT PARA FILMACIONES ¿Por qué, para qué y cómo elaborar el Plan de Manejo de Tránsito para filmaciones en el espacio público de Bogotá?' and carries out annual workshops focused on the elaboration of this document.
Yes, the PUFA is the only mechanism that allows the producer or solicitor the making of audiovisual productions in the public space of Bogota. Depending on the shooting characteristics, academic projects can apply for exceptions (cases where PUFA is not required) or exemptions (reduction in the total cost of the PUFA) described in the Articles 3 and 25 of the Decree 794 of 2018. See the decree in the following link.
Photographs taken on the public space of Bogota do not require PUFA, given that this activity is not considered as audiovisual filming.
If interested in carrying out photographic activities, you must get in contact with the managers of the public space where the activities are set to be done.
The Unique System for Register, Evaluation and Authorization of Activities of Public Agglomeration – SUGA – is the permit that rules the events that are carried out on public spaces of Bogota and is issued by the IDIGER.
The Unified Permit for Audiovisual Filming – PUFA – is the mechanism that allows the producer or applicant the production of audiovisual filming in the public space of Bogota and issued by the Bogota Film Commission from Idartes.
In the cases where a filming production on public spaces generates agglomerations, caused by open, general and undifferentiated announcement with individual or collective invitation, you must apply for the SUGA.
Consult here the Manual of Good Practices for audiovisual production in Bogotá. Download here..